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Бушман серията на Колд Стийл предлага невероятно качество за цената си! При тези ножове няма заварка или друга свръзка между острие и дръжка, вместо това те са изкования от едно парче карбонова стомана  SK-5! Получения нож е професионално закален до твърдост по роквел RC54 и,  според нашите тестове издържа натиск над 2 тона върху прехода острие/дръжка! Ножовете са заточени на ръка до бръснеща острота. Кухата дръжка позволява поставяне на удължител за повишаване прилаганото усилие, достигане на разстояние и хвърляне. Закровеното острие позволява използване  и за дране. Оборудвани с калъф Secure-Ex и магнезиева запалка.

Дължина на острието  7"
Дръжка 5 1/4 "
Стомана  карбонова SK-5
Допълнителни характеристики

  • Дебелина 2.5мм
  • Обща дължина: 31.1cm
  • Острие: 17.78cm
  • Дръжка: 13.3cm
  • Тегло: 286g
  • Куха дръжка

Secure-Ex калъф и магнезиева запалка

There are many forms of steel that knives and tools are made with. The sk-5 high carbon steel blade is of the highest quality for making blades. It is the Japanese equivalent to American 1080. It is hard steel that makes it create high quality blades and tools. Sk5 high carbon steel gives a knife the ability to cut through practically anything. It is very tough steel. It has a hardness of Rc 65. It produces a mixture of carbon rich martinsite with a few un-dissolved carbides. This steel is essential to creating the perfect blades for your use. The extra carbide will increase the abrasion resistance and lets the steel attain an ideal balance of good blade toughness. It also gives excellent edge binding ability.

The sk-5 high carbon steel can be found most abundantly in Japan. It is of very high quality. It is used to make a variety of hand tools as well. The chisel is one of those hand tools that are made out of sk-5 high carbon steel. Wood cutting saws can also be made using this steel. It has stood the test of time and has proven to be of the highest quality

A knife made out of sk-5 high carbon steel is the best knife for the money that you will pay for. It has a broad clip point of the blade, which make it extremely resistant to bending or breaking. This is due to the fact that the tip is larger close to the point. However, the tip is not blunt or dull. It is actually razor sharp, it offers immediate penetration. Blades have a concave edge. A blade made out of this steel is sharp enough to shave the hair off of your arm. You can count on its integrity. (The 

Sk-5 high carbon steel is made with 0.75% to 0.85% and 0.60% to 0.90% manganese. The strength is Rc 65 and makes a mixture of carbon rich manganese. The increased carbon increases abrasion resistance and permits the steel to achieve a perfect balance of very good blade toughness and excellent edge holding ability. 

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Bowie Bushman

  • Производител Cold Steel
  • Product Code: 95BBUSKZ
  • Availability: 2-3 Days
  • 65.00лв.

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